Dr. Cody Weaver Presents This FREE Training… 

How to Ditch the Medications and Surgeries and PERMANENTLY REVERSE Your Neuropathy!

NOW is exactly the right time for more virtual health care professionals

Thursday,February 17th, 2020
at 8pm EST

Dr. Cody Weaver

Did you know that you can permanently reverse neuropathy without the use of medications and surgeries?

I help individuals achieve long lasting relief so they can gain back their youth and freedom to be who they once were before their neuropathy.

I will be sharing my established Neuropathy solution that's TRANSFORMING their quality of life.

Tuesday, March 28th at 5:00pm PST / 8:00pm EST. 

Join Us For Our FREE Training

With Neuropathy Expert, Dr. Cody.

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Be sure to register to get access!

You won't want to miss it!

No times available at the moment

Check back tomorrow

Thursday,February 17th, 2020
at 8pm EST

Dr. Isaac Jones

7-Figure Virtual Practice Coach

I’ve built a 7-figure, virtual practice that gave me the lifestyle of my dreams. I teach doctors and health experts how to generate 6-7 figures per year in sales with a virtual practice. 

Time left until next webinar


February 17th, 2020

at 8pm EST

Dr. Isaac Jones

7-Figure Virtual Practice Coach

I’ve built a 7-figure, virtual practice that gave me the lifestyle of my dreams. I teach doctors and health experts how to generate 6-7 figures per year in sales with a virtual practice. 

Here's What You'll Learn...

  • Why You're Told that Your Neuropathy Cannot be Reversed
  • ​​The Three Major Causes of Neuropathy
  • ​​The Traditional Approach to Treating Neuropathy vs. Our Approach
  • ​Our Unique At-Home Process to Reverse Your Neuropathy​ WITHOUT Drugs or Surgery
  • ​Who is a Candidate for The Program and What Results Can Be Expected

Have You Ever Suffered

From These Symptoms? 

  • Numbness

  • Diabetic nerve pain

  • Sharp, electric-like pain

  • Burning or tingling

  • ​Muscle weakness

  • ​Difficulty sleeping from leg or foot discomfort
  • ​Sensitivity to touch
  • ​Pain when walking
  • ​Medication side effects

If you answered yes to any of these, then this free training is for you.

About Premier Health Institute

If you've gone from barely noticing your hands or feet to obsessing over them every day, you know better than anyone: Nerve damage is horrible. At Premier Health Institute, we get it, too.

Premier Health Institute was founded by doctors who struggled to find a good solution for thousands of individuals suffering from this disease. Rather than accept that there was no good way to treat nerve damage, Premier Health Institute was created... and now is the most accessible, convenient way for people across the country to receive an expert-backed nerve damage protocol at the comfort of your home. One that can be accessed by anyone, anytime, anywhere.

Premier Health Institute is a first-class health experience, making affordable and effective solutions accessible to millions of individuals around the world.

Stop Putting a Bandage on Your Neuropathy.

Reverse Your Symptoms....FOR GOOD.

Regain Your Quality of Life, and Discover a Proven Path to Health...

Real Results From Real People!


Richard explains how he had debilitating pain throughout his legs for over 10 years! He was no longer able to walk more than half a block without having to stop for a long break. After just 9 weeks of protocol he can confidently say he has improved over 95%!

He states that before the neuropathy protocol from Premier Health Institute he could not go grocery shopping for more than 3 minutes without his feet “falling asleep” and “burning”. Now he is going on daily walks with his wife and granddaughter without ever worrying about stabbing sensations, balance issues, and burning.

The Premier Health Institute team are proud to say that, after following the nutrition guide created for him, Richard has decreased his insulin medication as well as his blood pressure and cholesterol pills. Way to go!


In this video, Alex describes how, 2 years of horrible symptoms, he went from not being able to focus on his multiple businesses to sleeping through the night and having abundant energy to workout and hike again. He was losing his quality of life and feeling like he could not complete simple tasks and daily functions. Now he is back to feeling his normal self ready to conquer the world again!

He used to have the painful feeling like needles piercing his arms and feet. Now it is “a complete 180 degrees difference” and the pain, numbness, and tingling are all gone!


In this video, THERESA explains how, after a 9-hour surgery from a work injury, she was home-bound on full disability for over 15 YEARS taking tons of pain medications! In just 10 WEEKS of doing her specific, personalized protocol she is no longer using a cane and will go on her first vacation since the injury 15 years ago!

Her neuropathy improved over 92% in one foot and her mobility increased more than 85% with only 10 weeks of her protocol. She particularly loves how she can take advantage of the home-care model for her neuropathy and decrease the amount of pain pills she was taking.


In this video, Irvin describes how he could never find relief from his numbness and tingling throughout his legs and pain and freezing sensations in his feet. Within just 7 weeks of his personalized protocol he gladly reports that 95% of the pain, numbness, tingling, and freezing are GONE!

Irvin was getting only 3 hours of sleep at night, waking up constantly to take pain pills in order to temporarily hide his symptoms. He was taking close to 3,200 mg of gabapentin per day. Now, after doing his at-home protocol, he can proudly say he is taking ZERO!

Premier Health Institute focuses on finding the root problem of your condition, not just the symptoms. Why mask the pain if you can remove it forever? Find out what specific protocols you need to beat this debilitating disease today!


This exclusive event will show you EXACTLY how you can reverse your neuropathy and transform your quality of life through my established, natural process!

WARNING: Space is limited, and these LIVE training sessions always fill up FAST! Despite being free, the knowledge you will obtain from this training is significantly better than the information others charge you thousands for.

This session will be no exception. So claim your spot now!

​This is a FREE Webclass.

There Are No Costs, But Time Is Very Limited. 

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